Enrichment of Your Rabbit’s Space

In addition to a hay box and food and water bowls, keep your rabbit occupied and amused with toys such as:

  • Toilet paper and paper towel rolls stuffed with hay

  • Scrap paper (most ink isn’t harmful)

  • Straw or willow baskets (make sure they aren’t treated or coated)

  • Canning jar rings (too small for their head to fit)

  • Rolled oats box with the end cut off or concrete form tubes (to make a tunnel)

  • Rubber balls (unless your rabbit chews on them)

  • Ball with bell inside (cat toy sold in stores)

  • Cardboard boxes (cut at least two doors)

  • Old towels to push around and dig

SDHRS Resource

Join the SDHRS Online Learning Library!

The Online Learning Library of SDHRS is designed to meet the needs of rabbit owners and caregivers who look to SDHRS for the latest information on evidence-based rabbit care and services — including sessions on megacolon, bonding, up-to-date information on RHDV2, and liver lobe torsion. Click the button below to learn more about our free and subscription-based memberships.

Each quarter, the education team at SDHRS is producing new and updated content to keep up with the community’s curiosity and questions.

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Litter Box Training Tips


Providing a Safe and Fun Alternative Space