Vaccine Clinic
San Diego House Rabbit Society has partnered up with Dr. Chelsea Dillon to provide low-cost RHD vaccination clinics. The vaccine we are using is the RHDV2 vaccine by Medgene labs. This is a 2-shot vaccine series comprised of the initial vaccination and a booster vaccination 21 days later. BOTH shots are required for vaccine efficacy. Full efficacy for this vaccine is 14 days after the second shot. If your rabbit has already received the 2 dose series AND you are within the expiration date of the 2nd dose of the previous year, your bunny is eligible to go through the single shot series with our clinic. To learn more about the vaccine, visit Medgene’s RHDV page.
Upon scheduling the initial vaccine, clients will be automatically scheduled for the booster vaccine day (next scheduled clinic). Clients who sign up for the initial vaccine MUST return for the booster vaccination. Do not sign up for the vaccine clinic if you can not make both appointments
The cost is $80 for both doses. Payment for the vaccine is taken upon scheduling the appointment and cannot be refunded. You can also receive a nail trim for an extra $5.00 if you register your rabbit for a vaccine appointment.