Daily Fresh Leafy Greens
Fresh greens help house rabbits stay hydrated and provide fiber and essential nutrients. Many people find it helpful to split their rabbit’s salad into two meals: breakfast and dinner. This helps you keep better track of whether they are eating regularly or may be experiencing digestive problems. Note, too, that if you decide not to incorporate pellets into your rabbit’s diet, it can be a good idea to raise their greens intake, so consult your vet periodically about their dietary needs.
Feed a minimum of 1-2 cups of fresh leafy greens for each 4 lbs. of body weight, or as directed by your rabbit’s vet. Select at least three types of greens daily to obtain a variety of nutrients. Add one new leafy green to the diet at a time. Eliminate a green if it causes soft stools or diarrhea and try something else. Build your rabbit’s daily salads from a selection of rabbit-safe veggies listed below.
Rabbit-Safe Veggies
Alfalfa and clover sprouts
Basil (sweet, lemon, or purple)
Beet greens (tops)
Bok choy
Brussel sprouts*
Carrot** and carrot tops
Celery leaves
Collard greens*
Dandelion greens
Endive (esp. the curly kind)
Green leaf lettuce
Mustard greens
Pea pods (the flat edible kind)*
Radish tops
Raspberry leaves
Red leaf lettuce
Romaine lettuce (no iceberg)
Spinach* (no more than twice a week)
Wheat grass
*Limit quantities. If your rabbit has a delicate GI system, do not give.
**Limit carrots to tiny pieces daily or as a small weekly treat. Carrots are sweet and contain natural sugars.