Medical Needs Rabbit: Rebel

Rebel has chronic bladder sludge. Despite many diet adjustments to try to help her, but despite our best efforts she still needs to see a vet every few months to get a bladder flush done. This invasive procedure require anesthesia to perform. She has been hospitalized a few times because of the pain this can cause.

Ongoing medical care Needs: Routine medical bladder flushes and daily pain meds to relieve her pain.

San Diego House Rabbit Society

San Diego House Rabbit Society has supported our community through education about responsible rabbit care, spaying/neutering, and adoption. We are a 501(c)(3) volunteer-driven nonprofit organization, which depends on donations from our community to fund our work. Please support us in our goals of rescue, adoption, and education.

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Medical Needs Rabbit: Friday


Medical Needs Rabbit: Darla